I can't tell you HOW many countless hours I have spent looking online at various art journaling blogs, trying so hard to learn, copy and incorporate ALL that I see, into my art journal.
For that day, there is nothing quite like it, and I think to myself "OMG, I want my pages to look just like those".....example, Pam Garrisons pages. Until the next day, and the next style that I see. From paint, to doodling, to collage, to just plain old journaling. Trying so hard to find the one technique or type, that I can truly say, "that's my style". Well guess what.....I have finally given myself permission to acknowledge the fact that I can just carry on enjoying the process, whatever that may be, without having to try and fit myself into a style or mold. I mean, I like it all, so WHY do I have to limit myself to just one specific look. There is something to be said for doing a little bit of everything. Our mood changes on a daily (or hourly basis), and that can be reflected in the type of page we just feel like doing. I am okay with the fact, that ALL my pages are different....I'm learning to like that! And like I always say....there are no rules in art journaling, there is no right or wrong.
Use what you have and enjoy the process.
Well said sistah!